I've decided to make a list of TNR/Community Cat related books I've read and then make some comments about my thoughts on them.
I'm not really intending this to be a complete literary review of the books so much as a way to give you a general idea what to expect so you can decide if it's what you're looking for at this time.
I'd love to hear YOUR recommendations too! If there's something you think I should read, please let me know. Or even better, mail me a copy so I don't go broke buying books!
Read it August 2017
Community TNR, Tactics and Tools by Bryan Kortis
LOVED this book from cover to cover!
I think this book could be useful for ANY community cat organizer from those starting out to those with tons of experience.
Very easy to follow format with lots of useful case studies and easy to read charts and illustrations.
Read it August 2017
The Evolution of the Cat Revolution by Becky Robinson
This is the Alley Cat Allies 25th Anniversary book. I really enjoyed it.
This book was very inspirational for me. I have posted a few of the quotes from this book on the wall in my office so I can see them every day.
I loved reading such a detailed history of Alley Cat Allies and the TNR movement.
Read it August 2017
Neighborhood Cats TNR Handbook: The Guide to Trap-Neuter-Return for the Feral Cat Caretaker
This book is VERY detailed. In my opinion, some parts are almost TOO detailed.
Neighborhood Cats usually does a very good job with facts and figures and truth and evidence, but this book has a section full of speculation and opinion and internet hype about pet food and nutrition that I, as a Veterinary Technician, actually find a little over the line. HOWEVER, the majority of the book is full of EXCELLENT information about almost every aspect of trapping and colony care you can think of.
This book would be good for a SERIOUS trapper or caregiver, but would be way too much info for someone just casually trapping or catching one cat.
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